S h a k i r a R o c k !

S h a k i r a R o c k !
Like the empires of the world unit, we are alive.

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Las 100 Personalidades más influyentes

Votemos para que Shakira aparezca en la lista de las 100 personalidades más influyentes de la industria "The complete TIME 100 list".

La votación se cerrará el Viernes 6 de Abril y los resultados se darán a conocer el Martes 17 de Abril.

Shakira no puede quedar fuera!!

El link es el siguiente:


The 2012 TIME 100 Poll
Cast your votes for the leaders, artists, innovators, icons and heroes that you think are the most influential people in the world. Official voting ends on Friday, April 6, and the poll winner will be included in the TIME 100 issue. The complete TIME 100 list will be chosen by our editors and revealed on TIME.com on Tuesday, April 17.

ShakiraAge: 35
Occupation: Singer, philanthropist
Few recording artists have bridged Latin America and the rest of the world as effectively as Shakira. Her eclectic brand of Latin pop has made her famous around the globe. And now she's become a Bono-like figure in a region that desperately needs one. Shakira's ALAS Foundation has done more than dole out charity — it has inspired reluctant Latin moguls, not known for their generosity, to get on board with meaningful projects in areas like education and initiatives that promote early childhood development.

Los resultados hasta el momento son los siguientes:

Should Shakira be on the list?



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22 años de Laundry Service

Un 13 de noviembre del lejano año 2001, se estrenaba a nivel mundial el primer álbum en inglés de Shakira: Laundry Service. El público anglo...

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